[DOGE] DogeCoin
very scrypt such random
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many coin
very scrypt such random
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how specification
Algorithm: Scrypt
Target of maintaining approximately 100,000,000,000 DOGE in circulation after 1.5 years
(Block Schedule here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin#Block_Schedule)
Block Time: 60 Seconds
Difficulty Retarget Time: 4 hours
Premine: None
much reward
Block 1-100,000: 0-1,000,000 DogeCoin Reward
Block 100,001 — 200,000: 0-500,000 DogeCoin Reward
Block 200,001 — 300,000: 0-250,000 DogeCoin Reward
Block 300,001 — 400,000: 0-125,000 DogeCoin Reward
Block 400,001 — 500,000: 0-62,500 DogeCoin Reward
Block 500,001 - 600,000: 0-31,250 DogeCoin Reward
Block 600,000+: 10,000 DogeCoin Reward
such website
Website: http://dogecoin.com/
Official Reddit Community: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin
Polish portal: http://dogecoins.pl/
Unofficial Wiki: http://dogeco.in/
Unofficial Forums A: http://doges.org/
Unofficial Forums B: http://dogecoins.info
Unofficial Blog: http://mydogecoin.com/
many download
Windows-QT V 1.5
Mac-QT V 1.5
very service
Doge Dice (same as Just Dice, but for DogeCoin): https://doge-dice.com/
Roulette Table: http://www.dogecasino.com/
Another Roulette Table: http://dogespin.l8.lv/
Dice Game: http://www.dogedice.com/
Adorable Ponzi Scheme game: http://dogepound.l8.lv/
Raffle: http://luckydoge.org/
Other dice game: https://www.coinsfortress.com/
Card game: http://coinvegas.com/coin/DOGE
Another dice game: http://betdoge.net/
TwitchTV based gambling game: http://kryptokombat.tv/
Tweet to receive DogeCoins: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=371326.0
Block Explorer
NOTE: SEE http://doktorrf.com/dogecoin/pools.html FOR MOST UP TO DATE INFO
P2 Pools (username: doge address, password: any)
3: http://doge.lurkmore.com/
4: http://doge.crypto49er.com:9555
5: http://doge-eu.crypto49er.com:9555
6: http://doge.altpool.pw:19348
7: http://fast-pool.com:9555
8: http://mining.stargate.si:9555/
9: http://doge.gotgeeks.com:9555
10: http://doge.dtdns.net:9555
11: http://p2pool.name:9555/
12: http://doge.p2nex.net:9555
13: http://dogepool.tk:9555
14: http://doge.e-pool.net:9555
15: http://taken.pl:22552
MPOS Pools
1: http://doge.netcodepool.org/
Note: Netcodepool is donating their profits for bounties - http://goo.gl/97ZvWo
3: http://pool.dogechain.info/
4: http://dogehouse.org/
5: http://doge.pool.webxass.de/
6: http://doge.poolerino.com/ (formerly http://pool.testserverino.de/)
7: http://doge.luckyminers.com/
8: http://doge.cryptovalley.com/
9: http://miner.coinedup.com/doge/
10: http://doge.cryptoculture.net/
11: http://dogepool.pw/
12: http://doge.cryptominer.net/
13: http://dogepool.net/
14: http://doge.hashfaster.com/
15: http://doge.vircurpool.com/
16: http://ypool.net/
17: http://doge.msurma.net/
18: http://fast-pool.com
19: http://doge.cryptopools.com
20: http://www.dogecoinpool.com
21: http://doge.forkpool.com
22: https://doge.nut2pools.com
23: http://doge.bettercoin.org
24: http://doge.coinium.org
25: http://doge.hash.so/
26: http://doge.coinpool.de
27: http://pool.chunky.ms/
28: http://hashdogs.org
29: https://www.doge-pool.com/
30: http://dogecoin.poolgen.com
31: http://speedminer.org
32: http://doge.united-miners.com
33: http://doge.dedicatedpool.com
34: http://doge.coinpooler.net/
35: http://doge.hashfast.de
36: http://dog.ltcoin.net
37: http://www.dogefast.com
Vircurex: https://vircurex.com/welcome/index?alt=doge&base=btc
CoinedUp: https://coinedup.com/OrderBook?market=DOGE&base=BTC
Bter: https://bter.com/trade/doge_btc
Cryptsy: https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/132 (massive deposit issues right now, not recommended)
Coins-E: https://www.coins-e.com/exchange/DOGE_BTC/
Buy, Sell, and Trade (ad hoc): http://doges.org/index.php?board=3.0
Buy and sell (ad hoc): http://www.reddit.com/r/dogemarket
Dogecoin marketplace: http://dogelist.com/
PMToCoins - Buy coins with Fiat: www.pmtocoins.com
Doge Marketplace - Ebay like site for DogeCoins: http://www.stuffcoins.com/doge/
Crypto Marketplace - Craigslist like site featuring DogeCoins:http://cryptomarketplace.net/
Vault of Satoshi - USD/CAD to Dogecoin and back: https://www.vaultofsatoshi.com/
many newbie guide
1: http://doge.wf/start/
2: http://doges.org/index.php?topic=592.0
very business accept
DogeDir - List of the businesses that accept dogecoin: http://dogedir.com/
plz support
much millionaire
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